

Welcome to my blog! I live for simplicity yet I strive to be bold.

The One About Brows!

The One About Brows!

When and why did brows become so important? I don't know but honestly I think sometimes it goes too far. There's valid reasons for wanting good looking brows which I'll talk about here but I think sometimes we overcomplicate and overly stress about them. A solid brow game is great but trust me, your brows are the least interesting and beautiful part of your face 😊 With that, let's dive into how I do my brows and some easy tips and tricks to up your game with minimal effort!

So first, let's talk about why we even do anything to our brows. I won't ever tell you that you have to do anything beauty related. I hope you do whatever makes you feel good, happy, and beautiful regardless of trends or “standards!” I personally like giving mine some attention because I feel like they frame my eyes better, drawing the focus there and they help my makeup look more finished. See below an example of my brows done versus not.

One of the first questions or concerns with brows is grooming and how to do it. I'm not an expert and I haven't seen yours but I personally feel like the less grooming of brows, the better. I personally have never had microblading and I don't wax mine (mostly because I'm a big baby!) I use a Tinkle razor to get any obvious outliers and the little peach fuzz between them. I like my natural brow shape and fill and I think most people have great natural brows too! I would say try rocking them natural while keeping it cleaned up and see how you like it! I'm not saying it's bad to do microblading/waxing, I just hope you do it because you actually want to and not because you feel pressured to because of some trend or “standard.”

Although I do like my natural brows and keep grooming at a minimum, I still think adding a little shape and depth to them makes a difference! So the next step would be determining what product to use to fill your brows and how to choose the shade. I love using powder in brows for a more natural look (and it's easier to be imperfect with application and fix mistakes) So I use eyeshadow since it's already in my compact, saving me money from buying an extra product. For the brush, I use the Line brush from Seint Beauty. This brush is the bomb! The super fine end recreates natural hair strokes and gives solid lines. I also love that there's a spoolie right there on the other side for brushing the hair up.

As far as shade, try to stay as close to your natural brow color or a touch darker. If you color your hair, find a shade that is close to your roots and is the same tone of your hair. (Cool tone hair=cool toned shade for brows) Since I have cool blonde hair and naturally light brown brows, I use a cool brown shade called Bird that's a tad darker than my brow color.

I know it may seem overwhelming but if you try out 2-3 shades, you'll be able to clearly see which one looks the best. And since we're using eyeshadow, you can keep the ones that don't work for your brows in your palette and use them on your eyes! But of course you can always email me for help choosing your brow shade as well as all you makeup shades too free of charge! (

Or here's a quick guide (made by my good friend and fellow Seint artist- Ischalyn @lifewithisch) that can help decide a brow shade too! Most people can pull off a couple different shades in their brows, so don't stress too much! Remember, it's all about what YOU like best and what makes you feel confident.

And finally, click here for a tutorial on how I do my brows. I hope it is helpful! Essentially I make sure they are clean and any random hairs are removed. I then use the Line brush to apply light strokes upwards keeping with my shape. Then I either spray the spoolie end with my Stay setting spray or dampen it and coat it with the Seint brow wax. This gives them a finished look and will last all day! Again, brows can make a big difference but they shouldn't be something you stress about, they're just brows and you're so much more than some hair on your face! Also remember that eyebrows are sisters, not twins, it's okay if they are not microscopically matching and perfectly symmetrical.😉 Thanks for reading along!

Until Next Time… See Ya


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